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Frequently Asked Questions


What does FeedSafe® do for me?

As an animal feed manufacturer, FeedSafe®:

  • provides the framework and tools to help you implement efficient management and recording systems within your mill

  • gives your customers assurance that you meet high standards for feed (and therefore food) safety, animal welfare, biosecurity, traceability, environment and transport, that you manage potential hazards (via HACCP) and follow good manufacturing practices (GMP) in the mill

  • helps ensure the spread of exotic diseases due to the feed is minimised

  • ensures both domestic and export markets can be accessed

  • removes confusion by having one set of standards for certified manufacturers, and customers know what FeedSafe® certification stands for

  • ensures feed of a consistent quality day in day out, which in turn, delivers customer satisfaction and profitability


What is the role of SFMCA in FeedSafe®?

SFMCA, as the national representative body for feed manufacturers, is the owner and managing operator of the FeedSafe® program. SFMCA has stewardship of the FeedSafe® program on behalf of the industry.


 Why has SFMCA developed FeedSafe®?

Specific markets may require that the manufacturer has QA in order to supply feed to them. FeedSafe® has been developed by SFMCA, on behalf of the industry to meet the requirements of markets, regulators and customers. SFMCA aims to help manufacturers by providing a program that allows a manufacturer to demonstrate how they meet the production standards deemed acceptable by customers, consumers and regulators. SFMCA, with member support, believes it is better for manufacturers to have input into the requirements and standards of QA and promote a single program accepted by all markets and customers, than it would be to have several QA programs imposed upon manufacturers by individual customers.


Who manages FeedSafe®?

The administration and management of FeedSafe® is the responsibility of The FeedSafe® Management Team, which operates within the SFMCA. The FeedSafe® Management Team is guided by the certification and administrative policies that govern the program. Only The FeedSafe® Management Team can approve a farm’s certification.

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